About us

Hi, I am Rashid, working as a software developer as well as Web application development. I write this tech zone blogs for to concentrate the new revolutionary technologies like Open sources CMS (worpress, Joomla), SEO issues, PHP, JAVA problems. me also is not an expert programmer..but i think knowledge sharing is one of the most important key to achieve the desired goal..So guys keep working with us and share your knowledge and contribute to solve the issues..
Hi, me saurabh, working as a server adminstrator. basically i have to decide to contribute about some tips and tricks about server supports related to Group policies, DNS, Microsoft ISA Server , Firewall related issues, FAQ's and server configuration problems. well guys keep visiting the blog, there will be valuable tips and step by step experimented tutorials which will be beneficial for us. kindly ask any queries related to server side issues...its will be honour for me.


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This blog contains lots of valuable information related to IT technology,news,events as well as gossips. It contains the information about Software, Hardware, EDP, Software Languages tutorial and tricks..etc.
You will also find great "How To" articles on search engine optimization, what's happening in the world of the Wireless industry, Web services, Internet security, Web hosting plus a whole range of topics in the IT world.

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